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+SPEED ART+ Eddie Vegas Custom Xbox 360 Controller (Review + Speed Art)

34 Views· 07/18/24
Varia Pulse
Varia Pulse
1 Subscribers
In Gaming

Get ur OWN damn custom 360 controller today at: http://www.ProModz.com
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This is an awesome custom xbox controller we made for our friend Ed over at Machinima.com. He wanted a Las Vegas themed controller, and BAM! here it is :)

We also thought it'd be fun to do another controller speed art vid since people seem to like when we do this.

GET YOUR OWN DAMN CONTROLLER! how so? By first visiting our website:
http://www.ProModz.com and pricing out our modz and features that we offer including Rapid Fire, LED mods, custom paint jobs, Rumble Fire, and pretty much anything you need for us to make you a custom xbox controller :)
Once you've made up your mind on what add-on's you'd like for your custom controller, send us an email to: [email protected] and we'll discuss what you'd like design wise :) pretty simple? very.

We also recommend you check out our photobucket ( http://s558.photobucket.com/al....bums/ss29/PROMODZoCO ). Its a GREAT place for you to get an idea of what we have done in the past for our customers/ friends, and boasts over 450+ pics of over 200 different custom xbox 360 controllers and custom ps3 controllers, from simple modded controller paint jobs, see-through shells custom shells, color changing paint, custom gaming logos, Splattered controllers, different camos and more.

TAGS: modded controller, Color changing, custom xbox controller, xbox 360, xbox shell, ProModz, controller shell, pro modz, custom controller paint, Ring of lights, xbox controller, custom remote, stealth rapid fire, controller splatter, Custom painted controller, splattered controller, rapid fire, Pro modz, rapid fire controller, rapidfire

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